I went to law school for a year in a building that was located on King's Road in Chelsea, but I never made it to Vivienne Westwood's iconic shop on the same street. I was too busy reading law (and astrology books). I did not actually become aware of this fashion maven until recently, when my daughter was wearing jewelry by Westwood. When she passed away this past month, I was curious what kind of natal chart would belong to someone who started out as a punk rock designer and moved on to become an extremely successful high fashion designer who earned the title of Dame Commander of the British Empire. You have to admit that is quite the journey.
Westwood had Sagittarius rising, which is often an adventurous sign. While the clothes she wore did not always show off her figure, women with Sagittarius rising often have very long legs, and very flat tummies. They look great in skirts and dresses. Princess Di is another example of Sagittarius rising.
Westwood's chart ruler is Jupiter in the Venus ruled sign of Taurus, in the 5th house of creativity. Her fifth house has three planets, Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn, all in Taurus. Creativity came naturally for her. She was also a primary school teacher, which matches with a full fifth house.
Also fitting for a designer is the Libra midheaven, so her career house is ruled by Venus. In a nice symmetry, Venus is conjunct her Sun in Aries at the bottom of her chart. Venus in Aries is daring, and less subtle.
What comes across in the photos of her life and work is a very strong Aquarian element. She has Mars in Aquarius, square to Black Moon Lilith (a rebel) and opposed to Pluto in the 8th. Sort of fitting for someone whose first shop was called SEX. She earned her money by rebelling. Also, her Moon in Leo in the 8th house is in a perfect square to Uranus at 24 Taurus in the 5th. She does things her way. A quote from her Wikipedia page puts it thusly:
"Westwood's designs were independent and represented a statement of her own values."
Westwood was awarded the Order of the British Empire on Dec. 15, 1992. At that time (same week the Palace announced the impending divorce of Diana and Charles) Saturn was making a trine to her Midheaven, thus recognition from the establishment. By this time her clothing designs had become a bit more elegant. But she never lost her outre' sense of fashion.
There was a full moon eclipse at 18 Sagittarius on the 9th of December in 1992, on Princess Diana's Ascendant and in the first house of Dame Westwood. In their own way, I think they were kindred spirits of a sort.