This Simon and Garfunkel 1968 elegy for a lost America keeps going through my mind. A Canadian commented looking at the U.S. these days was like watching the fall of the Roman Empire. So how did we get here? The entire demise cannot be blamed on the last four years, but the acceleration certainly can. So where are we headed this November? One astrological event that makes me optimistic is the Jupiter Saturn conjunction at zero Aquarius in the third week of December, right before Christmas. The Jupiter Saturn conjunction only happens every 20 years, and the idealistic Aquarian energy sounds very helpful right about now. Both planets move forward to trine Joe Biden's Neptune at 1 degree Libra in the 10th house before the end of the month. A dream realized?
And what about the other guy, the current occupant of the White House? His progressed Ascendant is 29 Libra. It first moved into that sign in 1977, the year he married the first of his three wives. It progresses into 0 Scorpio on Nov. 28, 2020. From my tracking of the stars ending degrees really do signify endings. So this gig is about up. And note his 7th house cusp is also at an ending degree.
The President also currently has transiting Saturn oppose his Venus at 25 Cancer in house 11, ruler of his 10th house. He really seems to be unraveling as he is on steroids for Covid.
His solar return for June 2020 has a Moon Mars Neptune conjunction in the 9th house in Pisces square to his Sun at 22 Geminin on the cusp of the 12th, with Mercury in the 12th house. The very debilitated Mars is the ruler of his 10th house. The Ascending Degree is 25 Cancer, which is equal to his Venus, but remember, it is a Venus conjunct Saturn in the natal chart.
Biden's Solar Return for Nov. 2020 has the Sun in the first house sextile a stellium of Pluto, Saturn, Moon and Jupiter in the 3rd. Mercury is on the Ascendant in Scorpio and is equal to his natal Mars. His Solar Arc Mars at 1 degree Aquarius is trine his 1 degree Neptune in the 10th. Not definitive but much more promising.
Biden's Solar Arc Saturn is 29 Leo conjunct his north node. Here is one interpretation: "Efforts that have been made for a long time in professional development can now be crowned with success."