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Writer's picture: Peggy O'DonnellPeggy O'Donnell

Navalny at rally
Navalny at rally

The New York Times announced this past week that a Russian court had sentenced three lawyers* for Alexei Navlany to as much as five and a half years in prison for passing on correspondence from Navalny to his allies when he was in prison.  I had just finished reading Alexei Navalny: Patriot, and I had wondered how he was able to pass along the notes from prison that form part of the book. The book is almost 500 pages, but it is a very compelling read. The book would not have been possible without the assistance of his lawyers. 

Navalny was a really good writer, and he wrote with wit. His chart shows a late Gemini Midheaven and a 28 Virgo Ascendant. Churchill's chart similarly has late Gemini on the MC and late Virgo on the Ascendant. Mercury (ruler of his Ascendant and Midheaven)  in Navalny's chart is stationary at 25 Taurus in the 9th house. The 9th house is the house of publishing. A stationary planet is strong in the chart. Stationary means from the point of view from earth the planet appears to be standing still. 

Navalny also had Sun conjunct Venus in Gemini in his 9th house. The 9th house is the Sagittarius house, which rules higher education, the law, religion and travel abroad.  He covers all those topics in his memoir. 

Gemini placements in the chart favor writers and lawyers, given the facility with language and Navalny was both a good writer and a good lawyer. 

Navalny's  Sun Venus is opposed by Neptune in the 3rd house. Neptune is a very idealistic planet, and planets in the 9th can also be idealistic. His Sun Venus is sextile Mars and trine Pluto in Libra in the first house.  The Sun Pluto midpoint is Mars. Ebertin notes this is pioneers, fighters, and possibly martyrs. 

Saturn is 29 Cancer in the 10th house. When a planet is at an ending degree it is stronger. He loved his country and fought for it. Ceres is also in Cancer in the 10th. 

Physically he had to be very strong to survive the poisoning by the nerve agent that took place on August 20, 2020. At the time Uranus was stationary retrograde square his Mars from the 8th, the North Node was conjunct his Midheaven, and in June prior there was a full moon eclipse on his Sun. Mars was transiting the 8th house quincunx to his Ascendant as well. 

When he was killed in prison on Feb. 16, 2024 there was a Venus Pluto conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius, 150 degrees from his Moon at 0 Virgo.  He knew he would likely die in prison. 

The book is an amazing read, and so is the 2022 documentary on Navalny. He and his allies found out exactly how he was poisoned by tracking down those who attempted to murder him, and then posing as a government official attempting to ask what went wrong.  *Lawyers sentenced are Vadim Kobzev, Igor Sergunin, and Alexei Liptser.

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