The current protests in Iran were triggered in September by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22 year old woman who died in custody after being arrested on accusations of improperly covering her hair. Since that time thousands of young Iranians have taken to the streets to protest. The goverment has killed at least 50 minors since then, most recently a 10 year old boy, and more than 50 to 1,000 minors are thought to be in detention. More than 300 citizens of Iran have been killed in the protests which continue in full force.
Iran is currently led by an 83 year old Ayatollah, an old man who is experiencing his Uranus return. (Born April 19, 1939-Uranus at 16 Taurus)
Uranus signifies revolution and irrevocable change. Iran's takeover by religious fundamentalists who improsed a strict dress code upon women started Feb. 1, 1979 when the former Ayatollah returned to Iran and took over the country. The chart for that event is below. Notable is the stellium of planets in Aquarius in the 11th house. As Pluto enters Aquarius in March, there is a very real question if the country will revert to the people. The zeitgeist of Pluto in Aquarius is power to the people. Each time Pluto enters a sign, a new generation is born. Leading the protests now are the very brave members of the Pluto in Sagittarius generation.
Pluto entered Sagittarius on Nov. 10, 1995 at 7:11 pm Eastern Standard time. Pluto stayed in this sign until the eve of January 25, 2008 when it entered Capricorn. Thus anyone born in that time frame has Pluto in Sagittarius. It is somewhat synonomous with Generation Z, depending upon the years used to calcuate the latter. The first members of the Pluto in Sagittarius generation are turning 27 this month and claiming their place in the world. Pollsters gave the youth vote credit in the U.S for contributing to the strong showing for Democrats. Sagittarius is a fire sign, and this is a powerful cohort. They are the future revolutionaries who will change the world. Note that many of the Pluto in Sagittarius generation were also born with Uranus in Aquarius, adding to the theme of desiring to bring about change. So in a sense Pluto in a sign is the zeitgeist of the generation born with that signature. Sagittarius rules higher education, philosophy, the law, foreign travel and religion. You could say it is also a search for meaning, and rules beliefs. This generation in Iran wants the law to change, and they firmly believe in their ability to make that change. Their Pluto in Sagittarius cohorts around the world are joining them in protest. Note the chart for Iran has Venus in Sagittarius in the 9th house, conjunct Neptune. There is a strong idealism when Venus is conjunct Neptune, and especially in the sign Sagittarius and in the 9th house. Jupiter will by transit conjunct the Ascendant of the Iran chart in January, and the Moon in February. The women will be heard.