Those of us of a certain age will remember Olivia Hussey as Juliet in the 1968 Zeffirelli version of the Shakespeare classic as beauty incarnate. She was 15 when cast opposite Leonard Whiting in the film. It was to be the apogee of her career, but she played it well. She died on Friday the 27th of December of breast cancer, survived by her husband and her three children.
Her chart is below. Capricorn is on the Midheaven. Capricorn prominent does tend to give good bone structure. Her Sun, Moon and Ascendant are all in fire signs. This gave her the passion to play her lines with such emotion. When the film premiered, transit Jupiter was on her Moon at 29 Leo in the 5th house. The last degree of Leo has a royal subtone to it.
At the same time, her progressed Jupiter was two degrees Aries in the 12th sextile her Venus. Venus was also sextile her Ascendant as she was making the film. Her progressed Moon had just crossed over the Ascendant and Mercury (speech) was 29 Aries trine her Moon.
She suffered from agoraphobia (natal Sun quincunx Saturn in Virgo in the 6th house of health) and was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008.
With Neptune in Libra on the 7th house cusp, she had three marriages. Two of her husbands were musicians and one was an actor, all Neptunian professions. Her last husband met her in a deli and impressed her by knowing every single line in the play of Romeo and Juliet. She said as a die-hard romantic, she could not resist him. Note her moon in the 5th house at 29 Leo is quincunx Jupiter in the 12 at 29 Pisces.
Her chart was perfect for the role in that her midpoint of Pluto North Node is Venus. Ebertin reads this as a tragic love union .